Why you should not Lose Hope

Nervous Breakdown often described as a mental illness for the time period. In which human beings cant cope up with his/her life. People cant function properly during a nervous breakdown.

Often people even don’t know the reason why they have a nervous breakdown. They just feel depressed, they have anxiety issues, they feel like everything is torturing them.

They feel like they have “Anhedonia”. (Anhedonia is a common symptom of depression. In which people don’t feel happy, they don’t get excited about the things they used to be. Due to this, some people lose the ability to enjoy the little things.)

Many reasons can cause a nervous breakdown. But most people tend to ignore the important thing that affects humans most is “Lost of hope”.

What exactly happens when you lose hope?

When people lose hope they stop believing in good things that might happen to them. They can't find good in things happening around them. Losing a job, a broken dream, some kind of bad experience can cause people to lose hope.

But do people lose hope? Or they just ignore everything and accept it because they feel so comfortable in that phase. Things can and will go wrong in the future. Because this is what life is full of uncertainty.

People always connect themselves to things happening around them. And they start hoping the good thing will happen to them eventually. Whether it’s a job or a relationship.

We all want something from life and when we don’t get that we react in different ways. We understand the cause of it and try not to feel bad about it and try more to make it happen next time.

But on the other hand, we give up and accept that we are not good enough and start blaming ourselves for every bad happening around us. Instead of that, we should focus on the good outcome of that thing there is always something good in every bad situation. We just have to more hopeful to see the collateral beauty of the situation.

It's not easy to cope up with the daily life routine for someone who is feeling like this. If you find someone who is feeling like this you should help them. Your first move can save someone from drowning.  

People can find hope at the time they expect it at least. It can be in the form of a person or an opportunity. But for that, you have to be open to accept the change. You never know when a good thing happens to you because life works mysteriously. So if you are suffering from mental illness, you have started fighting to yourself first. You have to help yourself only after that you can see a bigger picture life is painting for you.

These things are easy to say but to cope up with mental illness, people have to start with themselves. Take one step at a time. Be hopeful that one day everything will go in your favor and you’ll find that the world is changing around you. It’s all about finding happiness within yourself.

Hi readers, this is Hemant Sharma from yourlad. It felt very good to share this article with you all. I would like to thanks Enchantingbluebirdthings for letting me post this article on her blog. I hope you all will like this article. You can visit my blog here.